Workshop-Conference 2025
The ESSPD organizes clinically oriented workshop-conferences every few years. They are being organized in areas, where the evidence-based therapeutic approaches to personality disorder treatment may not be very strongly established.
The next ESSPD clinical workshop-conference will take place in Riga, Latvia on 5-7 June 2025.
The theme for this workshop-conference is Dealing with alliance ruptures: perspectives from different therapies.
The conference will start with a more academic overview of research into alliance ruptures in treatment of personality disorders, to give the participants an understanding of wider theoretical background to the issue.
It is then followed by a panel discussion of a case presented by our local hosts, during which all workshop leaders will comment on how they might address the alliance issues. Speakers may either describe or demonstrate potential responses.
Days 2 and 3 are identical, with three parallel workshops before noon and three in the afternoon. All participants can thus participate in four workshops.
The event will be grounded in theoretical understanding of the topic, presented by Dr Anna Babl, The Netherlands.
We’re happy to have the following workshop leaders taking part in our conference:
- Dr Amy Essletzbichler, UK (Dialectical behaviour therapy)
- Prof Dr Babette Renneberg and Prof Dr Charlotte Rosenbach, Germany (CBT techniques for treatment-interfering issues)
- Chris Korevaar, The Netherlands (Schema therapy)
- Prof Dr Joost Hutsebaut, The Netherlands (Dutch guidelines-informed treatment)
- Prof Svenja Taubner, Germany (Mentalization based treatment)
- Dr Tennyson Lee, UK (Transference focused therapy)
The schedule and registration will be announced shortly!
Stay tuned for more information!