
ESSPD Sections

Sections have been established to promote collaboration between ESSPD members and provide platforms for work on specific contents and long-term themes. As such they are the driving forces of the society. The sections provide the opportunity to integrate more ESSPD members into the work of the society on the long-term and provide a platform for international cooperation.

Currently three sections have been formed:

Section for the Study of Aggression and Antisociality

Co-chairs: Carlo Garofalo & Steven M. Gillespie


Mission Statement

The mission of the Section is to advance knowledge, understanding, and effective interventions in the field of aggression and antisocial behavior. Embracing a global perspective with a focus on European contributions, our section brings together academics and practitioners from diverse disciplines to address both clinical and subclinical levels of aggression and antisociality across the lifespan.

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Section for the Study of Interpersonal Functioning and Social Cognition in PD

Section founders and chairs: Chiara De Panfilis, Stefanie Lis, Zsolt Unoka

Aims and Objectives

This section aims to further understand the mechanisms underlying social and interpersonal dysfunction of patients with Personality Disorders and, thus, to identify potential foci of intervention. To do that, the Section is particularly interested in clarifying the social-cognitive styles of individuals with personality disorders – their unique ways to perceive, interpret and respond to others’ attitudes and behaviors.

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Section of Perinatal Personality Disorder and Parents with PD

Section founder: Prof. Dr. Charlotte Rosenbach

Aims and mission
This section aims to understand the needs of parents with Personality Disorder (PD), their offspring and other family members, and to develop interventions addressing their specific needs. Additionally, the section wants to enhance the visibility of already existing projects in this area and hopes to enlarge professionals’ interest and motivation to work with his highriskgroup.

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